Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Day - 2/1/12

Since i just gave an intro to what this blog is about, i suppose i should start by explaining today. I didn't go to sleep until around 3:30 am last night. This being due to many reasons, including insomnia, i worked until 2am at the library, homework, and both my boyfriend and roommate being up. I planned to wake up around 10 so i could shower and get things done before my 2:30 class, and still have time to eat, but of course that didn't work. I hit snooze twice on my alarm, and on my boyfriend's alarm, and fell back asleep for another hour. I also blame him since he was supposed to get up and refused to by saying to leave him alone.

Eventually i got up at 11:30 and showered. I was almost ready to leave when he woke up, and we went together. We walked all the way to the Admissions building to hand in my direct deposit slip for work study. Typically i HATE walking. I despise it. I'm quite lazy, and in the cold i'm even worse. However, today was extremely warm. Well, for the beginning of February. It was almost 60 degrees, so wearing jeans and a light jacket i happily enjoyed the walk. We then went to the library to print out and hand in my time sheet. And then continued to the mailroom to get my 3 packages and his one. We then got food and i headed to History of Journalism. Normally i don't wake up until 1 or so if i have a 2:30 class. I waste my morning and become very unproductive. Today though, i got 3 errands done and walked around a lot. Got the most exercise i got all week. And oddly enough, i was in a pretty happy mood. Which in this weather, and especially with my anxiety, is not usual for me. So i walked to class not dreading it like i usually do. Thank you weather. And we got out over and hour early. Thank you professor. I also learned that Sam Adams beer does not have him on the front, but instead it has Paul Revere. I personally think that isn't right, but at least i can say i learned something today.

After class i went back to my room and Corey (boyfriend) and i took all my recyclables over to the More Store and got $1.55 out of it. I must say, those machines are really freaking picky. It took over ten minutes to put two bags of bottles in. Then i came back and attempted to nap until our class started, but that failed pretty hard. So i ate quickly and headed to class. Obviously we all know what went on in class today so i don't have to elaborate on that. But here i am now. After class i got food, met up with a friend, and now i am currently sitting in my room with 3 others, while we all do homework. This has got to be one of the most productive days i've had in a long time. I'm exhausted, but it was definitely worth it. Time to finish homework and watch True Blood (yes i am catching up and obssessed...pathetic, i know).

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