Thursday, February 23, 2012

4 Days of Boredom

Let's begin with Monday, shall we? I woke up for my amazing (except not) class. Left class, got food, came back and did homework from what i recall. I stayed awake until Corey came back at 2. I think i then might've continued homework, and then attempted a brief nap, with him right beside me as per usual. We woke up and headed to class. I think he was hungry, so he went to get food and i got to class on time. From what i remember, we weren't in good moods that day. So we weren't on exact speaking terms. After class i think we were possibly better...? Either way, i went and printed my homework for my next class out at the library. Then i headed to my next and last class for 3 hours. I left with no reponse from Corey if he wanted to get food, so i just walked back to the dorm. He came and let me in since he had my keys. I got inside and i think we all (Tierney, Corey, and i) all did homework and reading for several hours. Within this time, a damn fire drill occurred. I really hate them. 1030 pm..freezing cold..NO NEED FOR IT. Once back inside, we continued. And I might've watched part of Glee as well. But by 2 or 3am, and after tons of work and blasting Bo Burnham because of Tierney, it was sleep time.

Tuesday is a complete blur. I know i slept in. Corey had class. I think i woke up to get food, and then we came back and watched part of Paranormal Activity 3. Then, only a half hour in, I had to get up to meet my group for my Journalism project. We met at the Library for all of 20 minutes. I came back and did some homework while Corey napped. I think i ended up napping too. Somehow the day passed by, and it became time to go to work at 10pm. I got out of bed yet again, got ready for work, and headed to the library until 2am, like every Tuesday night. Once i got back to my dorm, Corey and i finished Paranormal Activity 3, and then went to sleep. Long, unproductive day.

Yesterday i didn't have to wake up until around 1, so i didn't. In fact, i slept til around 145 i think. Whoops. I got ready while Corey lounged around in bed. I headed to class, and he went for a run. My 3 hours class wound up being 1 hour and 10 minutes. It was great to be let out that early. Especially on that day because it was beautiful outside. I only wore a light sweater and jeans with a cami. I got out of class and i think Corey and i went to get food. We went back to the room and i either did homework, or napped, or a mix of both. Don't quite remember. But i got up, and went to my next class (ours) at 630. After class i was going to go to an LGBTQU meeting, but i had SO much homework and studying that i really couldn't. I went back to my room and studied for Science and Adolescent Psych for about 4 hours. Most of it was actually just filling out the study guides, hence the studying. It wasn't fun. See, i have always been a straight A student. High honors all through high school and whatnot. College courses. Etc. But somehow, i never really learned how to study. I never had to. Things just came. And if they didn't, oh well. Well, college is NOT like that. So i attempted to study last night. And get other work done. I guess i'll know by next week if that paid off. I then finished my Glee episode last night, and then tried to sleep. That didn't occur for another hour though, due to Corey being in pain so i couldn't sleep because i felt bad. Bleh.

Today. Today was almost as beautiful as yesterday outside. Aside from the wind. That shit has got to stop. I know it's February, and i'm being greedy. But if it's going to be nice out, i would appreciate a full niceness. No damn wind. Today was much like Monday, aside from my late class and being semi unproductive. I was quite productive today. I went to class, took my test, and left. I then met my friend Adam who is a senior at my old high school who came to audition for the Music Conservatory. He looked so spiffy in his suit. His mom was super nice too, as well as his accompanist and voice coach. He was a bit obnoxious, but nice. I showed them to the Hub since they wanted food and had time. I bought them coffe (i have a meal plan and i wanted to make a good impression, come on) and we stood and talked for a bit. Corey briefly swung by before heading to Personal Defense. Around 1230 i led them out and headed back to my dorm to study. It was nice seeing him. He can be a bit much sometimes, but i love that kid. So i got back to my dorm, ate some Spaghettio's (i know,'s been forever), and started studying. I studied for around two hours, with breaks inbetween of doing other work and watching tv with Tierney. At 2 Corey came back. Now, i already vented to Tumblr about this incident, since i needed expression, vulgarity, and far too much emotion. So let me just brief it by saying i was not pleased with his class today and his description of it. And i got super upset. Mini anxiety attack kind of upset. And it didn't go away for over an hour. I tried to keep studying..gave up. I tried to So i vented to Tumblr and watched tv until class started. We went to class, me being a bit more calm, and took the test. After class we went straight to the gym. I knew i wouldn't go if i went to my dorm first, so i already had my clothes on. We got there, undressed, and worked out. First time there this semester. Well, stupid Jessie didn't drink that much water today. So after going on the treadmill, elliptical, and some other weird cardio/thigh machine, i was feeling it. A little dizzy. At this point i had also stretched a lot, and done a bit of abs. After that i went to the machine room and worked on my thighs and whatnot. Did reps on about 6 different machines. After that Corey and i were going to do ab work because i desperately need it. Well, i went into the other room and felt like i was going to puke. I downed the rest of my water and still felt like shit. So we left and got food. After another half hour i finally started feeling better. I really hate being so out of shape. Especially when i date someone who is so in shape and a long distance runner. It's awful. Self-esteem issues to the max. I am now 132. He is 147..and 4 inches taller. That's a problem. My goal is 120 (ha i WISH). But if i can do 125 i will be semi content. Anyway, after the gym we had some time together, showered, and then got ready. And then i went to work, and here i am now. Sitting behind the Circulation Desk at the Library. Interesting, right? Oh i know. I WORK here. Trust me, i know. Time to get other work done!

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