Monday, April 30, 2012

Scholarship Blog

My school, SUNY Purchase, has inspired me so much already, and it hasn't even been two semesters. I have more school spirit than I ever thought I could in middle school or high school. This doesn’t mean that I participate in every single event, or always wear school colors/logos (though I do own sweatpants, a sweatshirt, and two pairs of shorts). It means that I love my school, and I tell everyone I know. My story is great, because I started off hating my school. I am a cliché story to tell to tour groups, but I’m telling the truth. I was forced to go to Purchase. It was not my first, second, or even third choice. But my parents couldn’t afford anything else, so this is where I ended up. Now, I couldn’t be happier.
Because of this school I have learned so much more about myself. I am surrounded by amazing students, staff, and even some guest celebrities. The education I am receiving has taught me more in two semesters than I ever learned in 12 years of other school. Everyone is so open and accepting. Everyone has so many differences. I found out that I am extremely passionate about certain things, including being an LGBTQ activist. This school inspired me to get my first tattoo, an equal sign, to support equal rights and equality in marriage. I came to this school thinking I was going to pursue a career in one thing, and although I still am, I have found so many more things.
SUNY Purchase already has and definitely will continue to contribute to my career path. I originally wanted to study theater and acting, but after my dad rammed into my head that I needed something else, I went looking. I have met some amazing people who have guided me. I am now double majoring in Journalism and Arts Management, and minoring in Gender Studies. The faculty for all of these is incredible. My Journalism degree will lead me to Manhattan, with internships and connections. The majority of the professors have worked there, and will certainly lead me to where I need to go. My Arts Management degree will help me market myself as an actor, which I have only learned and been guided to by the incredible help of very passionate professors. Gender Studies is something I had never even heard of until I got to Purchase, but it is so prevalent there I decided to give it a try. By doing so, I learned that it is so interesting. This is the subject I have learned the most in, and am so intrigued by. Only at my school can it be so common and have such a great academic structure.
Not only all of this, but again, knowing certain professors will help me get my career in Manhattan started. This school has led me to know people I will know the rest of my life. It has so many opportunities, including study abroad which I am planning on taking advantage of. So, do I have school spirit? You bet I do. And I will never stop.

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