Friday, March 16, 2012

Blurred and Faded Week

Last week is kind of a blur. It went by so fast, so let's see what i can recall. Most likely it'll only be the big things, aka the important and interesting things, right? Anyway, Monday. Ha Monday. I was quite hungover, seeing as loko messed me uppp, and i only got 4 hours of sleep. Because of this i missed my morning class. Not like it was a big deal. I stayed in bed while Corey went to class. He came back and we relaxed and attempted to watch The Notebook, but this only led to both of us passing out for a brief time. I realized i had to wake up and unfortunately shower for my next 4:30 class, which i was going to go to since i felt better. So i got up, got ready, and we exhaustedly headed to class. After this we got food, and then i headed to my next 3 hour class, as per usual. That went by, i got out at 930, and went back to my room. Seeing as i do not recall any details, i can only assume it was much like a usual Monday night, and we all did homework and listened to music until about 2am.

Tuesday is utterly something i don't recall, aside from night time. I think i woke up early afternoon, after Corey went to and came back from class. I got ready and then i think we went to the library and i very briefly met with my group for my History of Journalism project. We established what other work we needed to do. Then Corey and i got food, came back, possibly watched a movie?, and then went to a stupid lecture series for SMW. It was a horrible lecture on Mars or something. Way worse than the last one which was at least a little interesting. So i played on my phone and read the whole time. Afterwards we came back and relaxed a bit, and i did some homework before i had to go to work. At 10 we were off to the library, and while there i found out about KONY 2012. In which, EVERYONE GET ON BOARD!!! I don't care if you think it's's NOT. Even the freaking president is in on it. Yeah, this guy did damage over 20 years ago, and did the most 10 years ago, but he's still doing damage. He's still capturing kids and killing innocents. He needs to be stopped..NOW. I'm buying my action kit asap and i cannot wait until April 20th when he gets posted everywhere. Anyways, that was the majority of my work time. Studying that issue. After work we walked back, probably did homework, watched True Blood, and then went to bed.

The next day, Wednesday, i remember was absolutely beautiful. My anxiety and depression has been pretty consistently bad for awhile now. So when the weather decides to get happy, my mind decides to get happy. At least briefly. So that's nice. And Wednesday was super nice and sunny. Walking to class i was in a super happy and smiley mood. Even in class, which lasted the full 3 hours for once due to presentations, i was happy. I just read and played on my phone. Except i paid brief attention and won a box of sour patch kids, which was awesome. After class i got food i think, and then headed to my next class (our Viral Marketing class), in which we got out a bit early from there as well. I walked back to my dorm in yet another happy mood. I think i stayed happy pretty consistently. So strange for me. Especially since i had a midterm the next day and tons more to do in the following week. But i took it. The rest of the night i assume was spent doing homework while Tierney listened to Bo Burnham and Corey played Bejeweled on my phone. I think i might've watched True Blood again, and then it was bed time!

Boy was Thursday ridiculously busy, filled, and actually somewhat productive. To begin with, i got no nap at all throughout the day, so that should say something. I remember pretty much everything from this day. I woke up early, and went to my morning class. In which we did our second group project, and i thought we did a damn good job, but we only got a fucking 70 again. That class is going to KILL my GPA. Fucking asshole teacher. Anyways, directly after class i quickly grabbed food and headed to work. Yeah, i covered a 12-4 shift. Really bad idea. Working in the day time, especially with certain people, was NOT fun. I told myself i wouldn't do it again, but i lied. Because i'm doing it again in a few days. But still, it was shitty. Directly after that i studied for about 20 minutes before heading to my next class for my science class. I rushed through that, and it sucked, hardcore. Way too long of a test and far too much writing for a science course. Directly after thattt, Corey, Tierney, Angelina, and i ran to the shuttle and took the bus into White Plains. We went and got food at the mall, and then headed to the movies. We went to go see Project X...which was absolutely AMAZINGGG. I highly recommend everyone seeing that. It was incredible. And the soundtrack was the best ever. We then booked it back to school, where i started to get ready for work. I was actually about to be early, but Corey and i ended up getting into a HUGE fucking fight. Like, short, but very intense. Intense enough to almost break a metal door and to scare all my suitemates. So i cried a lot, and that sucked, and i was late to work. But eventually we made up, and i got to work. While there i did the usual..True Blood..homework..etc. At 2am i went home, and after an extremely long day, passed the fuck out.

Friday is a huge story in itself, much like the last blog, except in a negative light.'ll want to me.


  1. That's my favorite part of springtime! Spring Fever! The good weather really clears out the winter daze and depression.

  2. I'm sorry. Your life is completely in shambles.

  3. Thanks :)
    Yeah the good weather really does do that sometimes.
    And ha i know it is. Much like yours :p
